Failover Cluster Chapter 6 - Create Share folder

There are some relevant chapters below,

Failover Cluster

6. Create Share folder

6-1. Add File Share

Right click on the file server we just created on the last chapter, select "Add File Share"

Select "SMB Share - Quick", click "Next"

Type "E:\Shares" for the share path.
PS: E drive is the data drive. if your data drive is not E, then use the letter of your data drive.

Type "Shares" for the share name, click "Next"

Click "Yes" to create the "Shares" folder on E drive

Click "Next"

6-2. Assign users permissions

Click "Customize permissions..." to assign other users with permissions

Click "Add"

Click "Select a principal"

Create 3 users at the domain controller, names user01, user02, user03 before doing the next step
Type "user01", check names

Click "OK"

Aggign "Full control", click "OK"

User01 is assigned permission, click "Add" to assign user02 and user 03

Type "user02" and click "OK"

Assign "Modify", click "OK"

Click "Add" to assign "user03"

Assign "Read & execute" permission to  "user03", click "OK"

Once 3 users have 3 different permissions, click "OK"

Click "Next"

Click "Create"

Click "Close"

Click the "Share" tab to see the shared folder is created

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