WDS Chapter 7 - Start Unattended Deployment

Related chapters
WDS Chapter 1 - Overview and Preparation
WDS Chapter 2 - Configure WDS
WDS Chapter 3 - Add Boot and Install Images
WDS Chapter 4 - Deploy Windows 10 from WDS
WDS Chapter 5 - Prepare a Reference PC for Capture
WDS Chapter 6 - Configure WDS for Capturing a Reference Image
WDS Chapter 7 - Start Unattended Deployment

7. Start Unattended Deployment

7-1. Copy and Edit the Unattended Files

This lab needs 2 unattended files

  1. Airfish-ImageUnattended win 10 (x64).xml  (map to the Capture image)
  2. Airfifh-WdsUnattended-client.xml   (Map to the server property, Client tab)

Copy the 2 unattended files from the shared folder

Select "E:\Remoteinstall\WdsClientUnattended" folder
If require permission pops up, then click "Continue"

Click "Paste"

Right click on the file "Airfish-WdsUnattend-client"
Click "Edit"

At 2 different places, change the domain name to the domain you are using

7-2. Map unattended files the images

Right click on the server, select "Properties"

Select "Client" tab
Click "Browse..." for the x64 architecture

Select the "Airfifh-WdsUnattended-clint.xml" file and click "Open" from the folder "E:\Remoteinstall\WdsClientUnattended"

Click "OK"

Click "Windows 10 Group" at the left panel
Right click on the "Capture Image"
Select "Properties"

Check the "Allow image to install in unattended mode"
Click "Select File..."

Click "Browse..."

Select the "Airfish-ImageUnattended win 10 (x64).xml" file and click "Open" from the folder "E:\Remoteinstall\WdsClientUnattended"

Click "OK"

Click "OK"

Now the 2 unattended files are all mapped

7-3. Reverse the online/offline status

Now we are going to deploy, need to disable the capture image and enable the setup image.

Right click on Capture image, select "Disable"

Right click on the Setup image, click "Enable"

Now the statuses are on the correct position
Setup (Online)
Capture (Offline)

7-4. Start Unattended Deployment

To test the new deployment we need to create a new PC.

PC name: Win 10 New
CPU: 2
Boot order: Network, optical, HDD
Network: Internal

New PC settingd

Click "Cancel" because we want to boot from network

Press "F12"

We are in the correct WDS server and loading the correct file "Boot.wim"

Only one question pops up because we use 2 unattended files
The only question is about which image we need to install
Select "Captured-Image", click "Next"

It may take 20 minutes to complete

Now the unattended file has joined the PC into the domain
Type "sysop" and password, click Enter

Congratulations, DONE!!

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