iSCSI Chapter 6 - Practical Testing part 2

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6. Practical Testing part 2

6-1. Create the second initiator

Switch to the server "FS02", Select iSCSI Initiator in the server manager, Tools tab

Click "Yes"

Type "" as the target IP Address and click "Quick Connect..."

It is connected to the target and click "Done"

Click the "Volume and Devices" tab, Click "Auto Configure"

The 2 Volumes are in the list

Open file explorer, no extra disks or volumes beside drive c:

6-2. Mount the disks

Right on the start, click "Disk Management"

Both disks are offline. Right click on the Disk 1, select "Online"

Bring Disk 2 online

Both disks are online without initializing because they have been initialized at the first initiator (DC01)

Change the drive letter for the 2 disks as the same letter we did on the DC01
Open file explorer to verify

6-3. Verify the file created from DC01 is available to use

Check the DC01.txt is available to open and modify from the drive FS01iscsi02 (V:), "Test from DC01" folder

6-4. Create a folder and file in the other disk to do the reverse test

Now, Create a folder named "Test from FS02" and a text file in the folder named "Test from FS01.txt". Type some text in the file and save it.

Go back to the disk management and take the Disk 1 (7.89 GB) offline

Open file explorer to verify the Disk 1 is offline

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