DFS Chapter 4 - DFS Configuration on the Second File Server - FS02

before reading this chapter, you may read the related articles below

4. DFS Configuration on the Second File Server - FS02

4-1. Add DFS Role on FS02

Do the similar steps as we do on the server FS01 to add the DFS role. (Refer to Chapter 2)

4-2 Configure DFS Management on FS02

Switch to the server FS02
Click "DFS Management"

Same as FS01, the Start page

Right click on the namespace and select "Add Namespaces to Display..."
PS: Here is different from what we do on FS01. We click "New Namespace..." on FS01. Now we select "Add Namespaces to Display..." because a namespace already exists in FS01. What we need to do is to show it upon FS02.

Click "Show Namespaces", the namespace will display
click "OK"

Verify the namespace is correct

 4-3. Create the "Business" folder on FS02

Here we create a folder on FS02 first because FS02 will be configured as the primary member for this folder replication.

Click "New older..." at the Action window

Type "Business" in the name textbox as the name of the folder
Click "Add"

Type "\\FS02\Business" to be the folder target, click "OK"

Click "Yes"

Type a local path "E:\ShareFolder\Business". Select "Use custom permissions", click "Customize..."
Type "sysop" and check name than click "OK"

Allow the account "sysop" with full control to the folder, click "OK"

Click "Yes"

4-4. Create the Business folder on FS01

"\\FS01\Business" is in the folder targets. The following steps are to set up FS01
Click "Add"

Type "\\FS01\Business", click "OK"

Click "Yes"

Same processes to add the account "sysop"

Same processes to set up the Full control permission for the folder "Business" on the account "sysop"

Click "Yes"

Now the configure of folder targets is done, click "OK"

4-5. Create Replication Group

Click "Yes" to create the replication group for the folder "Business"

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Select FS02 to be the primary member, click "Next"

Keep the default setting "Full mesh", Click "Next"

Keep default full bandwidth, click "Next"
PS: You should change to the lower bandwidth in the real world especially office hour

Click "Create"

Click "Close"

Click "OK"

There are 2 replications (IT and Business) are created and ready

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