DFS Chapter 2 - DFS Configuration on the First File Server - FS01

before reading this chapter, you may read the related articles below

2. DFS Configuration on the First File Server - FS01

     2-1. Add DFS role on FS01

Open Server Manager, click "Local Server" at the left panel
Click Manage --> "Add Roles and Features"

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Select "DFS Namespace"

Click "Add Features"

Select "DFS Replication" and click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Install"

2-2 Create DFS Namespace

Click Tool --> DFS Management

The introduction page provides some information about DFS

Right click on "Namespaces", select "New Namespace..."

Type "FS01" as the server for the Namespace server
Click "Next"

Type "NameSpace01" as the name of the namespace
I made a typo. I use "NameSpcae01" instead of "NameSpace01"

Keep the Default setting "Domain-based namespace"
Click "Next"

Click "Create"

The Namespace has done, then click "Close"

Expand Namespaces, the namespace is created

2-3.  Create the "IT" Folder on the First File Server FS01

Click the "Namespace Servers" tab, check the status is enabled
Click "New Folder..." on the Actions window (right panel)

Type "IT" as the new folder name
Click "Add"

Type "\\FS01\IT" in the "path to folder target" textbox
PS:Here is to set up a shared folder name, not a real local folder path

Click "Yes"

Type "E:\ShareFolder\IT" in the "Local path of shared folder" textbox
PS: Here is to set up the "IT" folder's real local path. So at the end of this process, the system will create a "ShareFolder" in E: drive and create an "IT" folder in the "ShareFolder" folder
Select "Use custom permissions" and click "Customize..."

Click "Add..."

Type "sysop" and click "Check Names" to verify the account is valid
Click "OK"

Click the account "sysop" select Allow Full Control then click "OK"

Click "OK"

Click "Yes"

2-4. Create IT Folder on FS02

For the purpose of replication between FS01 and FS02. We need to create the same folder and settings on the FS02 as we did on FS01. Now we will stay on FS01 and do a similar process to the FS02

Make sure \\FS01\IT is created in the Folder targets
Click "Add..."

Type "\\FS02\IT" in the "Path to folder target" textbox
Click "OK"

Click "Yes"

Type "E:\ShareFolder\IT" for the real local folder path
Select "Use custom permissions" then click "Customize..."

Add "sysop" and check names, then Allow Full Control to the account "sysop"

Click "yes"

Now the 2 folder target has been created, click "OK"

2-5. Create Replication Group

Once the folders are created on 2 file server, we can create the replication group to make the data in the server 1 will replicate to the server 2

The Replication creation alert message pops up automatically, click "Yes"

Keep the default value, click "Next"

Click "Next"

Select "FS01" as the Primary member, click "Next"

Keep default setting "Full Mesh", click "Next"

Use the default bandwidth "Full", click "Next"
PS: select using fill bandwidth because this is a lab, not a real world.
In the real world, we may consider the bandwidth to avoid heavy use during office hour

Click "Create"

Click "Close" when finished

Click "OK"

Expand Replication, the replication of the shared folder "IT" is created

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