FSRM Chapter 5 - Classification

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5. Classification

5-1. Create 2 text files for setting up the scenario

Create "1.txt" and "2.txt" in the P:\Test folder
Input "error" in the 1.txt and save it

5-2. Create a Classification Property

Go to FSRM, expand "Classification Management"
Right click "Classification Properties"
Select "Create Local Property"

Type "Error" for the name for this property
Write a description to describe it
Keep the property type as "Yes/No"
Click "OK"

The new property "Error" is created

5-3. Create a Classification Rule

Right click "Classification Rules", select "Create Classification Rule..."

Type "Error" for the rule name, and enable it. Write a description

At the "Scope" tab click "Add"
Select "P:\Test\" folder and click "OK"

The scope folder is created

At the "Classification" tab, click "Configure..." in the Parameters section
Select "String" in the expression type dropdown list

Double click the express column, type "error" in it
Click "OK"

5-4. Run the Classification Rule

Select "Run Classification WIth All Rules Now..."

Select "Wait for classification to complete"
Click  "OK"

Select "Don't use recommended settings", then click "OK"

Scroll down to the bottom, the rule detects the file "1.txt" contains unauthorised contents

Articles about FSRM 

FSRM Chapter 1 - Overview FSRM, Install and Configure SMTP
FSRM Chapter 2 - Install and Configure FSRM
FSRM Chapter 3 - Quota
FSRM Chapter 4 - File Screening
FSRM Chapter 5 - Classification
FSRM Chapter 6 - Report

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