FSRM Chapter 3 - Quota

Related chapters

FSRM Chapter 1 - Overview FSRM, Install and Configure SMTP
FSRM Chapter 2 - Install and Configure FSRM
FSRM Chapter 3 - Quota
FSRM Chapter 4 - File Screening
FSRM Chapter 5 - Classification
FSRM Chapter 6 - Report


3. Quota

3-1. Create Quota Limit

Expand "Quota Management", right click "Quotas", Select "Create Quota..."
PS: You can use "Quota Template" to create a quota as well. Here we do the custom one.

Click "Browse..."
Select "IT" folder and click "OK"

Click "Custom Properties"
Set space limit to 5 MB
Click "Add" to add a notification thresholds
  1. Hard quota: User cannot exceed the limit. Administrator or user can receive the alert email.
  2. Soft quota: User can exceed the limit and the administrator or user can receive alert email and trace it.

Keep the default value "85%"
In the "E-mail Message" tab, enable "Send e-mail to the following administrator". Keep the default admin email.
Also, you can enable to send to the user who exceeded the threshold

In the "Event Log" tab, enable "Send warning to event log", then click "OK"
PS: In the real world, some third party monitor tools need event log to trigger. Once a warning or error recorded in the event log, it will trigger the third party monitor tool to record in its database and process further tasks.

The warning threshold created, click "OK"

Select "Save the custom quota without creating a template"
Click "OK"

The quota limit for the "IT" folder is created

3-2. Copy a file to the "IT" folder to test the quota limit

Select any file which is over 5 MB or we can copy the same file which is less than 5 MB several times to try exceeding the limit
Here we pick the file C:\Windows\System32\actxprxy.dll" (3459KB), copy it

Go to the folder "IT", click "Paste"

The file copy successfully.
Rename it to "actxprxy123.dll"

Paste the file in the same folder again.
The alert message pops up

3-3. Verify it from the email and event log

Go to the SMTP mail location, "P:\Mail\Drop". Open the second email.
It tells "85% quota threshold exceeded"

Go to the event log
Right click on the Windows logo, select Computer Management
Expand System Tools, expand Event Viewer, Expand Windows Logs, Click "Application"
Double click the warning message.

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