SCCM Chapter 9 - Deploy Windows 8.1

All Chapters about SCCM

9.    Deploy Windows 8.1

   9-1.  Create Operation Image and deploy

                                                              9-1-1.      Mount Win 8.1 iso and copy “Install.wim” to SCCM server E:\Library\OSD

                                                              9-1-2.      Add operation system image

                     Figure 43: Add operation system image

                                                              9-1-3.      Distribute Content of the image to Distribution Point, then verify green circle

                    Figure 44: Verify operation system image

9-2. Create a new device collection

The operating system will be deployed to the computers which are added in this collection

                                                              9-2-1.      Create Device Collection

                    Figure 45: Device Collection created

9-3. Import Computer information

                                                         9-3-1.      Import 2 client computers for deploying 2 PCs simultaneously

                                                         9-3-2.      Computer 1 named “SCCMPC01” MAC address is “08:00:27:5A:CC:53”

                    Figure 46: SCCMPC01 MAC address

                    Figure 47: input SCCMPC01 MAC address to SCCM server

                     Figure 48: Import SCCMPC01 information successfully

                                                         9-3-3.      Computer 2 named “SCCMPC02” MAC address is “08:00:27:15:23:CD”

                    Figure 49: SCCMPC02 MAC address

                    Figure 50: Input SCCMPC02 MAC address to SCCM server

                     Figure 51: Import SCCMPC02 information successfully

                                                           9-3-4.      The 2 new created computers are in the collection

                    Figure 52: Verify the 2 new computers are in the collection from the property

                     Figure 53: Verify the 2 new computers are in the collection

9-4.  Create and Deploy Task Sequences

                                                         9-4-1.      Complete the task sequence creation

                    Figure 54: Create a task sequence successfully

                                                          9-4-2.      Deploy Task Sequence

                    Figure 55: Task sequence deploy successfully

9-5.  Deploy Windows 8.1 Pro x64 to 2 computers simultaneously

                                                           9-5-1.      Turn on 2 workstations simultaneously then press F12

                    Figure 56: SCCM deploy OS to SCCMPC01 successfully

                     Figure 57: SCCM deploy OS to SCCMPC02 successfully

                                                         9-5-2.      2 client PCs are deployed by SCCM simultaneously

                    Figure 58: 2 client PCs be deployed by SCCM simultaneously

                    Figure 59: Successfully into setup stage

                    Figure 60: Choose the Windows 8.1 install image

                     Figure 61: Windows 8.1 Pro x64 is installing on both PCs simultaneously

                                                         9-5-3.      Successfully install Windows 8.1 Pro x64 to 2 computers deployed by SCCM simultaneously

                    Figure 62: Successfully install Windows 8.1 Pro x64

9-6.  Deploy Windows 8.1 using Zero Touch

                                                         9-6-1.      Import the third computer named “SCCMPC03”, MAC address is “08:00:27:9B:09:04”

                    Figure 63: SCCMPC03 MAC address

                                                         9-6-2.      Create a new Collection named “Zero Touch”, add SCCMPC03 in it

                    Figure 64: SCCMPC03 in the new collection

                                               9-6-3.      Deploy task sequence and specify the zero-touch collection

                    Figure 65: Deploy task sequence and specify the zero-touch collection

                                                         9-6-4.      Provide Windows 8.1 product key in the “Apply Windows Settings” step by using task sequence editor

                    Figure 66: Provide product key to the task sequence

                                                         9-6-5.      Turn on the workstation SCCMPC03 and install by SCCM with zero-touch

                    Figure 67: SCCMPC03 is booted up from SCCM with zero-touch

                     Figure 68: SCCM with zero-touche is deploying OS to SCCMPC03

                    Figure 69: Windows 8.1 deployed and installed successfully by SCCM zero touch

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