SCCM Chapter 4 - Configure and install Prerequisites on SCCM

All Chapters about SCCM

4.    Configure and install Prerequisites on SCCM Server

   4-1.   Share a folder on the drive E:

                                                       4-1-1.     Create a folder named “Library” under e:\ drive and share it to “sysop”, “domain admin” group with full control shared and security permissions. The shared name is “SCCMLib”.

                  Figure 8: Assign "sysop" and "domain admin" with full control share permission on "SCCMLib"

                    Figure 9: Assign "sysop" and "domain admin" with full control security permission on "SCCMLib"

  4-2.   Prepare Prerequisites programs and folders in the shared folder “SCCMLib”

                                                       4-2-1.     Create 3 folders under “Library” folder, named “Applications”, “ODS” and “Programs”.  Copy Prerequisites programs and DVDs to the folder like the structure below.

Ø  Library
o   Applications
§  Msi programs (content *.msi files )
o   OSD
§  SCCM 2012 R2
§  SQL 2012 DVD
§  Win 2012 R2 DVD
§  Win 8.1 DVD
o   Programs
§  ADK 8.1
§  Hotfix 1 (KB2905002)
§  Hotfix 2 (KB2910552)
§  SCCM Prerequisites Download
§  System centre 2012 R2 configuration manager

                    Figure 10: Prerequisites programs and folders

  4-3.   Add “sysop” and “Domain Admin” group into SCCM server Local “Administrators” group

                     Figure 11: Add "sysop" and "Domain Admin" to Local Administrators group on SCCMDP

  4-4.    Roles and Features

                                                       4-4-1.     Before install SCCM, it is necessary to add some roles and features. Mount the Windows server DVD with specifying an alternate source path “D:\Sources\sxs”, then add the roles and features below:

Server Roles


Ø  .Net Framework 3.5 Features [Install all sub features]
Ø  .Net Framework 4.5 Features [Install all sub features]
Ø  Remote Differential Compression

Role Services

Ø  Web Server
o   Common HTTP Features –
§  Default Document,
§  Static content.
o   Security –
§  Windows Authentication.
o   Application Development –
§  ASP.NET 3.5,
§  .NET Extensibility 3.5,
§  ASP.NET 4.5,
§  .NET Extensibility 4.5,
§  ISAPI extensions
Ø  Management Tools –
o   IIS Management Console –
o   IIS 6 Management Compatibility –
§  IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility,
§  IIS 6 WMI Compatibility,
o   IIS Management Scripts and Tools

  4-5.   Install ADK 8.1

                     Figure 12: ADK 8.1 installed successfully

  4-6.   Install SQL 2012 R2

                                                      4-6-1.     In the feature installation select

Ø  Database Engine Services
Ø  Reporting Services -Native
Ø  Management Tools

                                                        4-6-2.     Use “JamesLab\sysop” for all SQL service accounts in the setting of service account page. Also set up the correct password and “Automatic” startup type.

                      Figure 13: Use “JamesLab\sysop” for all SQL service accounts

                                                       4-6-4.     Configure the collation is “SQL_Latin1_Genreal_CP1_CI_AS”.

                          Figure 14: Setup the correct SQL collation for SCCM

                                                        4-6-5.     SQL server installed successfully

                         Figure 15: SQL server installed successfully

  4-7.   Install WSUS

                                                       4-7-1.     Choose SQL Server database instead of WID database

                          Figure 16: Use SQL server Database instead of WID

                                                       4-7-2.     Verify WSUS install successfully by checking “SUSDB” has been created

                          Figure 17: Verify WSUS install successfully by checking “SUSDB”

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