Storage Spaces Direct S2D Chapter 3 - Create Witness share

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3. Create Witness share

3-1. Create a shared folder on DC01

Go to DC01, open file explorer, create a folder on c: drive

Name it "Witness"

   3-2. Assign permission on the computer account "Cluster1"

Right click on the witness folder, select "Property"

Click the "Sharing" tab, click "Advanced Sharing..."

Select "Share the folder", click "Permission", click "Add...", Click "Object Types..."

Select "Computers", click "OK"

Type "Cluster1", click "Check Names", click "OK"

Select the computer, assign "Full control" permission

   3-3. Configure Quorum

Switch to the server Node01
Right-click the server, select "More Actions", Click "Configure Cluster Quorum Settings..."

Click "Next"

Select "Select the Quorum Witness", Click "Next"

Select "Configure a file share witness", click "Next"

Click "Browse..."

Type "dc01", click "Show Shared Folders", it will appear the witness folder automatically.

Click "Next"

Click "Next"

Click "Finish"

   3-4. Check the quorum

The file share witness is created

Double check by using Powershell command.

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